Informazioni FlexiMona Last seen 2 hours ago
About me
Hey hey! My name is Mona. I'm a cute girl from Lithuania. I’ve been breathing with dancing for 16 years. It’s my soul. With every move my body opens from a new side. It hipnotizes my mind and the mind of everyone who is watching this moan of my soul...
Also I’m trying to study programming:D
I love reading, watching films and series. My favourite genre of all time is fantastics^^ I’m a BIG fan of Star Trek universe! I even started to learn Klingon>< So if you like space sex - I can help you with that;) My fav types of music are rock, classics and songs from cartoons^^
I would like to meet some new interesting people here and earn some money here. Feel free to contact me via skype (check it on skyprivate), will be happy to chat and something more ;)
p.s. Please, forgive me my english:3
Sincerelly yours - Mona:*
About my show
I’m great at sweet hot moaning and sexy dancing. So if you like slow sexy teasing - I’m the best choice:P
Instead of toys in my show I LOVE to caress myself with fingers, cos nothing brings me more pleasure than the touch of my own body. I want you to feel my arms on you too...
Furthermore, I just LOVE role playing!!! I can be different for you - you need to just ask me;) I’ll bring to life all of your fantasies and will live this moment with you so that you’ll remember it for a long time;)
I’m new in modeling, so I’m still a bit shy:3 I will do my best to make you happy and satisfied.
In my show you WON’T see spit, double penetration and anything really dirty. Please don't ask me about it.
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5 months ago
Very sweet, attentive and agreeable model. Enjoyed playing and chatting with her. Could only wish she was a tad bit more confident in herself, for she really has every right for that!
8 months ago
She is so cute
2 years ago
what a hot cutie!!
2 years ago
2 years ago
just chat
2 years ago
3 years ago
i love you !! 10/10
3 years ago
you are perfect i love you a lot, you are so sweet my friend i want to see you again
3 years ago
i love you
3 years ago
very pretty for nothing in the world I want to see another girl! she is the perfections 10/10 quickly I want to see her again !!
3 years ago
sweet girl. very young sexy and willing
3 years ago
OMG I want to see you again! that smile is so beautiful, you are the prettiest girl in the world! I love you too much and I want to see you again
3 years ago