Informazioni Mary_Linn Last seen 36 minutes ago
Hello! I'm a hot little thing, I like to play pranks. I have a shelter cat, Alice. I love driving my old car - it makes me feel free. I like coffee with friends and walk a lot. I can also do a lot of things with my own hands: sewing, embroidering, weaving macrame, knitting, I renovated the room in this apartment myself. I am interested in psychology, I like to argue on various topics because in an argument the truth is born.
What do I dream about? My dream is to close all debts, buy my small apartment from the bank, finish repairs in it and go on vacation to London. I can realize my dreams only with your help. I thank you for any number of tokens that will allow me to get closer to my dream!
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3 months ago
Just perfect and also very good video quality!
8 months ago
She's extremely pretty and nice. Her feet are one of the prettiest feet I have ever seen
1 year ago
amazing girl))