Informazioni Heya_Molly Last seen 2 days ago
Orientamento sessuale
164 cm
45 Kg
a bright and energetic blonde is always glad of your attention and gifts ^^ if you are open to love adventures and interesting conversations, then welcome to my show in which I will tease and tempt you. I love it when we get crazy with pleasure together. Are you ready to experience pleasure and get into my tender and fragile female hands to have a great time. Just you and me, but know that 1 time will not be enough and you will come back again and again...
My favorite types of shows:
- I lose myself in pleasure when a man knows how to please a woman and then the real excitement begins......When a man really wants a mutual sexual connection, then I also want to give you maximum pleasure
- When you take me under control (heh heh I have a domi, a nora, a lush) I feel a touch to me with every vibration, your masculine strength, your manly spirit, languid fantasies, make me so insatiable and passionate.
- I like to dive into deep images, change my costumes and get used to roles, because where, if not here, we can be whoever we want. Tell me, do you have your sexual fantasy?
- Do you know that one of my most sensitive places is my feet? I love it when you touch, massage, kiss, lick my delicate pink heels. My long and slender legs will not leave you indifferent. And if I put on heels, your dick will explode with excitement.
I'm already here, just hold out your hand...
Caricamento in corso... per favore aspetta...
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