Acerca Milf_Tea Last seen 1 week ago







Siberia, Russia

Orientación Sexual










Tamaño del Busto



168 cm


67 Kg



striptease, sex, sexy, fetish, dildo, milf, bigboobs, beautiful, mature, feet, bigass, masturbation, blonde, dance, lush, massage, new, domi, muscul, muskular

Welcome, my dear! You've found yourself in a magical room filled with hot dancing, a passionate show and divine sexuality! Let's get acquainted - my name is Thea, I'm 44 years old, I'm a hot woman from cold Siberia???? I love sports, I have 20 years of mountaineering and six years of gym experience behind me, my body is perfect and flawless, and I'm ready to happily show it to you so that enjoy our passion together!

I am interested in psychology, I love to talk, I love traveling, and I have a big dream - to move to Spain and enjoy life there, warming my perfect body under the sun! I hitchhiked around Europe and really enjoyed it! I am a passionate woman, and everything I do, I do with all my soul and with full dedication

When you call me, we will be carried away into the world of passion and love, because at my shows I dance striptease, enticing you with my ideal forms, I have lush and domi, you can control them, giving me unreal pleasure! I also have a dildo that I love to jump on and enjoy it in all the positions that you like, I have costumes for a teacher, a maid, a taxi driver, a policewoman, a cute bunny, a nurse and a bunch more! Tell me about your fantasies - we will make them come true! I am a brave and open person, and you can not be afraid of your fantasies when we are with you! Call me and I will charm you, and you will no longer be able to live without my elastic ass and amazing forms! I'm waiting for you, your Thea❤


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(you will receive her Skype ID / Discord username in the confirmation email)
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Profile picture - Milf_Tea
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